A Study on Level of Digital Financial Inclusion among the urban youth of Gujarat.
Digital Financial Inclusion, Formal Financial Services, Digital Banking, Barriers of Digital Financial InclusionAbstract
The financial inclusion of youth is very important. Youths use and have access to money. Access to formal financial services can be the enabler for youth, contributing to their empowerment and increase wellbeing. Hence, this paper presents the preliminary finding on an investigation of the level of digital financial inclusion and barriers that affect digital financial inclusion among the urban youth of Gujarat. The outcomes of the study show that there are 71 respondents found a lower level of Digital Financial Inclusion and 74 found a high level of Digital Financial Inclusion using the discriminant score. It is found that low level of digital financial literacy, risk and trust, cost and technology, and unsatisfaction are barriers analyzed for Digital Financial Inclusion using principal component analysis.There is a significant relationship between demographic factors gender, age, education qualification, profession, and level of digital financial inclusion. While there is no significant relationship between demographic factors marital status and monthly income and level of digital financial inclusion.