Impact Of The Use Of Smartphones On Academic Performance Of Students: A Cross-Sectional Study


  • Sakshi Punir


Mobile phones, Academics, Students, Education, Learnings.


Concerns concerning the possible effects of smartphones on students' academic performance have been raised due to their ubiquitous use. The purpose of this study is to investigate the connection between smartphone use and academic achievement, highlighting both beneficial and detrimental consequences. The results show a complicated interaction between smartphone use and academic achievement. On the one hand, cell phones offer students immediate access to a wealth of knowledge, facilitating effective research and boosting educational prospects. Additionally, interactive, and interesting learning experiences can be facilitated through instructional software and internet platforms. On the other hand, excessive smartphone use can impair academic performance by causing distractions, diminished focus, and procrastination. Social media, video games, and other non-academic pursuits tend to take up a lot of time, which could result in less time spent studying and worse marks. Students should be encouraged to use skills like time management, digital well-being practices, and self-regulation to lessen the negative consequences. The use of cell phones responsibly must be made more widely known, and educational institutions and governments must create rules that strike a balance between maximizing the educational potential of smartphones and minimizing their negative effects on academic achievement. Overall, there are many ways that smartphone use can affect academic performance, necessitating additional study and coordination efforts from many stakeholders to maximize the educational advantages and minimize any possible disadvantages.




How to Cite

Sakshi Punir. (2023). Impact Of The Use Of Smartphones On Academic Performance Of Students: A Cross-Sectional Study. Elementary Education Online, 20(6), 5024–5030. Retrieved from


