Review On Influence Of Religion In Indian Political Culture


  • Abhijit Maitra
  • Dr. Manoj Parmar


Influence, Religion, Political, Culture, India.


Political culture is also the collection of people's values, orientations, beliefs, and attitudes that they learn from the system and that show up in their actions and reactions to the political system as it evolves and changes over time to meet the demands of society. Political culture, then, is what culture is to the social system for the political system. Political culture, in the opinion of political theorists, has been theorized in order to comprehend the nature and implications of people's responses to political institutions and their operation. It also addresses how these institutions respond to the needs and desires of the public, which are typically expressed as norms, regulations, and laws. Political culture, then, relates to people's socio-psychological perceptions of and responses to political systems, whereas culture refers to the psychological orientation of people toward their social structures. In this article, review on influence of religion in Indian political culture has been highlighted.




How to Cite

Abhijit Maitra, & Dr. Manoj Parmar. (2023). Review On Influence Of Religion In Indian Political Culture. Elementary Education Online, 20(6), 4516–4523. Retrieved from


