Cultural Aspects Of Kiran Desai’s Novel
Kiran Desai, Culture, indianness, dressing, cuisine, language.Abstract
The present study aims to study the cultural aspects of Kiran Desai’s novel in the light of Indianness. Kiran Desai is a renowned Indian-English writer who won the Nobel Prize for her very famous novel"The Inheritance of Loss" in 2006. Kiran Desai is a rising star in
Indian English literature and the daughter of renowned Indian English writer Anita Desai. She portrays the different cultures in her work. As we know, literature is a vast canvas that shows the new dimensions of different cultures. Literature and culture are inextricably linked. These are the two sides of the same coin. Her novel deals with different cultures and their effects on human lives. Kiran Desai very beautifully pen down the themes of alienation, marginalization, diaspora, globalization, and many more themes in her novels. Kiran Desai tells a very personal story of loss and remembrance that relies on her imagination but also responds to the time and place in which she sets it. The present study aims to examine the novels of Kiran Desai through the lens of cultural aspects of India reflected in the novels of kiran Desai.