Characterization Of Aloevera/Hemp And Flax Natural Fibre Composites With Wire Mesh Reinforcement For Automobile Applications


  • Arulmurugan.M
  • Prabhu.V.M
  • Murugsan.N
  • Rajendran .S
  • Paramaguru.T


Natural fibre-reinforced polymeric composites utilityis increased by the automotive industries due to their advantages such as recyclability, cost- effectiveness, light weight, high strength, rigidity and ecological production. The natural polymeric fibre-hybrid composite overcomes the concerns of the mechanical properties of mono-material fibre-reinforced composites.
This investigation involves using Aloe Vera (A), Hemp (H), and flax (F) fibres in the Hybrid Natural Fibre Polymer (HNFPC) composites for different applications. Natural Fibres Wire Mesh Composite (NFWMC) plates were fabricated using woven A/H/F along with Stainless Steel Wire Mesh (SSWM), aluminium wire mesh (ALWM) and copper wire mesh (CUWM). A Total of 15 variants of samples were fabricated using hand-layup and through compression moulding techniques.The Experimental trial-I samples were prepared with A/H, F/H, A/F and A/H/F combinations along with LY556 and HY951. In trialII the samples were prepared by adding BaSO4 in variousweight ratios (1%, 3%, 5% and 7 %). The optimum results were obtained for sample with 5% of BaSO4 addition, and hence
the samples uses in the first trial combinations with 5% of BaSO4were preferred for trialIII. Finally, alongwith 5% of BaSO4the experimental trial-IV samples were fabricated using stainless steel, aluminium and copper wiremesh.
The mechanical properties of the composite materials were determined by the tensile, flexural, impact and hardness properties. The Visco-elastic properties were estimated by the Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA). The thermal performance of thecomposites was investigated using Thermo Gravimetric Analysis (TGA). The machining performance was evaluated by Abrasive Water Jet Machining (AWJM) and wear analysis.
This research work focuses mainly on the effect of barium sulphate (BaSO4) and wire mesh on the characteristics of Hybrid Natural FibreReinforced Polymer (HNFPC) composite. The BaSO4was preferred as filler based on the absence of self-motion, high density and high melting point (1580°C). 




How to Cite

Arulmurugan.M, Prabhu.V.M, Murugsan.N, Rajendran .S, & Paramaguru.T. (2023). Characterization Of Aloevera/Hemp And Flax Natural Fibre Composites With Wire Mesh Reinforcement For Automobile Applications. Elementary Education Online, 21(1), 542–551. Retrieved from


