The Impact of using YouTube on family planning and dumbness case study: is the city of Hail as a model


  • Mohammed EL Nadir AbdallahTani
  • Jazaa Farhan AL Shammari
  • Arif Juma Biro Trouk
  • Nassredine Cheikh Bouhenni


The effect, uses, gratification, YouTube , Ha'il city


The family forms the nucleus of social and economic organization, and it is the first institution par excellence in which individuals receive the value system that they must adhere to in order to guide their behavior and choices. This process begins from childhood, when the child gets to know the value system of his community or the group to which he belongs, and becomes familiar with its standards, values, and symbols, in order to gradually guide his behavior and actions. And this value system continues to be taught as well with the spread of mass media and communication, especially television and the Internet. This learning continues even among adults, as the latter two will socialize their individuals. In recent years, the Saudi family has witnessed changes, including gradual and sudden, affecting its shape and the nature of relations between its members. On the one hand, these changes had to do with
urban growth and industrialization. On the other hand, it was related to the exciting stages of progress that have been achieved in the fields of communication, information technology and transportation, especially the new information and communication technology, which is spreading widely among young people, leading to social and cultural changes. Among these means and applications we find YouTube (You Tube) Which is a video website, through which the user submits, rates, watches and comments on videos and shares them with others, leading to media effects.(mediated interactions)It increases the fragmentation of the family and creates individual behaviors and forms new social relationships that intensify outside it, and simultaneously affect the social bond within the Saudi
family. All these indicators are disruptions that affect the lives of individuals, especially among young people, and their relationship with their families by the fact that they spend most of their time using it.




How to Cite

Mohammed EL Nadir AbdallahTani, Jazaa Farhan AL Shammari, Arif Juma Biro Trouk, & Nassredine Cheikh Bouhenni. (2023). The Impact of using YouTube on family planning and dumbness case study: is the city of Hail as a model. Elementary Education Online, 20(4), 2485–2504. Retrieved from


