Prominence of Indianess in English Literature with Reference to Indian English Writers and Their Notable Works
Indian Literature, post colonial circumstances and women's rights etc.,Abstract
Literature has played an indispensable role in history. It has been used as a tool of agitrop. At the same time literature has taken part a huge role in pretty much every major revolution in history. Likewise Indian Literature included in the world Literature in its broadway. Indian's Literature emerged from British Colonized India. Though it rooted thousand of years ago, the contemporaries of Twentieth century writers like Tagore, Sri Aurobindo, R.K. Narayanan and Raja Rao promoting the Literature enormously. Though English Language might be unfamiliar, they force out ' Indianness ' through their writing. So it has acquired huge prominence throughout the sub continent. The works are started to develop the study of Womenhood with patriotism. This paper brings out the prominence and
evolutionary elements of Indian writing in English Literature.