The quantity dimension of the Performance of Health Services at the Sambutan Health Center, Samarinda Ilir District
Quantity, Performance, Puskesmas, HealthAbstract
This article discusses the quantity dimension of Health Service Performance at the Puskemas Sambutan Samarinda Ilir District. This research is a descriptive research. Data collection techniques used in this study, namely observation and koesiner. The population in this study were all community individuals who received outpatient services at Sungai Meriam Public Health Center, which in a day averaged around 120 people. The results of this study indicate that the health service performance achieved by the Sambutan Health Center is 99.95% and this is in the very satisfying category. This means that the quantity of health services provided by the Sambutan Community Health Center is very satisfying for the community. The Sambutan Puskesmas do not have many work programs because they focus on routine daily health service activities that have been determined by the Health Office, namely as providers of basic health services for the community.