New Media Users’ Awareness of Online Inflammatory and Mobilisation Methods for Radical and Extreme Activities
Inflammatory content; Terrorism; Cyber jihad; Online recruitment; Social media; Online incitementAbstract
Terrorism attacks and its mobilisation have increased in the new media era. The later have become particularly important platforms for such radical and extreme activities. It has somehow become difficult for governmental bodies to control such content (video, photos, voice) in fact extremists / terrorist groups have “heavily” depended / used these New media platforms to spread extremism, incitement, recruitment, and propaganda. Based on a survey method (344 respondents), the study aimed at examining Saudi new media users’ awareness and reaction to online inflammatory and mobilisation methods to better understand the power of new media. Findings revealed that respondents were highly aware of online inflammatory content, and were affected by such content, especially
those related to conflicts between different Islamic sects’ (e.g., Sunni/Shiite) followers. The complex relationship makes it difficult to draw simple policy implications, but it does offer insight into the role of new media play in terrorist activities.