Critical Discourse Analysis of the Political Speech of Prime Minister of Pakistan (PMOP) Imran Khan delivered on 27th of September 2019
Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), Prime Minister of Pakistan (PMOP),Corpus-based, Fairclough model, three stages, qualitative, three questions, prove helpfuAbstract
The aim of this research is to analyze the purpose, real intention of Prime Ministerof Pakistan (PMOP) Speech. Critical Discourse Analysis is an approach that investigates the connections between language and social, political aspects in which they occur. It explores issues such as gender, politics, ethnics, economy, religion etc. The current studyis a corpus-based qualitative study;takes a Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) of Political Speech of PMOP of Pakistan of Imran Khan delivered in 27th September, 2019.The results of this study arebased on CDA model of Fairclough. According to Fairclough, there are main three stages of CDA. This model was helpful in understanding and interpreting this speech. This research paper answers the three main questions of “what”, “which”, and “why”.The results of this study show that PMOPgreat respect to humanity and try to control the bad conditions and injustice of
Indians, Non-Muslims towards Muslims. The study is limited to sufficient amount of data. The study can prove helpful for researchers for further studies about CDA.