Model of Implementation of Education Management at AnNurHusada Midwifery Academy WaliSongo North Lampung (Evaluation Study)
Program Evaluation, CIPP Evaluation Model, ROI, An NurHusada Midwifery AcademyAbstract
The research conducted is evaluative research on the program through CIPP evaluation model (Context, Input, Process, Product) with ROI (Return of Invesment). The objectives of the research implementation include; 1) describe the design of CIPP model evaluation with ROI on the implementation of education management of Annur Husada Midwifery Academy; 2) describe the implementation of CIPP model with ROI on the implementation of education management of Annur Husada Midwifery Academy; 3) describe the preparation of CIPP modelreport with ROI on the implementation of Education management of Annur Husada Midwifery Academy and; 4) describe the follow-up of CIPP model results with ROI on the implementation of education management of Annur Husada
Midwifery Academy. Supporting theory in research using evaluation theory, CIPP model, ROI evaluation, evaluation model program management of An Nur Husada Midwifery Academy Education. The research was conducted in the education program of Diploma-III (D- III) Midwifery Academy of Midwifery An Nur Husada. Research using descriptive methods through qualitative approach. Data collection techniques are conducted using interviews, observations and documentation studies, data validity studies are conducted using data triangulation. The results of the research obtained include; 1) the design of the evaluation of the program is carried out top down by the education program D-III Midwifery Academy Of Midwifery Annur Husada, 2) the application of the CIPP model is
carried out in accordance with the stages of reaction conducted in the implementation of midwifery education, and 3) the application of the ROI evaluation model to determine the benefits of the return value obtained by graduates of Akbid An NurHusadaWalisongo North Lampung both tangible and untangible.