Healthcare Professionals Perception about the Mediating Role of Accreditation Program in Hospitals
Quality assurance system, Quality improvement outcomes, AccreditationAbstract
Aim:The study aims to find the effect of quality assurance system on quality improvement outcomes in accredited hospitals and to observe the mediation role of accreditation program through the perception of healthcare professionals. Method:Structured questionnaire surveyed 440healthcare professionals comprising of doctors, nurses, paramedical technicians and administrators of accredited hospitals in south India. Structural equation model used to test the effects and mediation of the constructs. Results:Healthcare professionals perception revealed that Quality assurance system was found to have a positive effect on quality improvement outcomes and accreditation program partially mediating the effect of Quality Assurance System. Conclusion:The study provides understanding to healthcare stakeholders about the positive impact of quality assurance system in augmenting quality improvement outcomes, emphasizing the positive mediation of accreditation program in augmenting the effects.The implication
for management:Our study underscores the important of adopting multidimensional approach in effecting quality assurance system supported by accreditation program to embrace divergent quality improvement outcomes through the perception of healthcare professionals.