E-learning Resources and Task Engagement of Students at University Level
E-Learning, task engagement, students' assignments, presentation and assessmentAbstract
Current study aimed at identification of the effect of e-learning on university students' task engagement. Sample of the study was selected randomly two universitiesof Lahore comprising total 344(181 Male and 163 Female) students. Aquestionnaire was developed indigenouslyand was validatedto use for data collection.It contained statements related to use of e-learning resources and task engagement of students. Factors in task engagement included: students' interest,attention, curiosity, interest, optimism, and passion to complete their tasks and effectiveness of e-learning resources for objective and subjective type assessment. The questionnaire was
validated through a pilot study which showed the reliability index (cronbach alpha).79. SPSS version 20 (trail version) was used for data analysis. Differences in responses of male and female students was identified by running independent samplefor using e-learning resources and task engagement. One-way ANOVA was used to find out mean difference in the responses of students enrolled in different programs of studies and in various semesters regarding use of e-learning resources and task engagement. Results showed that male students are more inclined to use elearning resources for task engagement than female students. Moreover, one-way ANOVA revealed that students of science (BS. Physics) department showed grater mean score for using e-learning resources for task engagement. Whereas, students in education program show lowest mean score for using e-learning resources for task engagement.
Discussion was made on the basis of findings.