The Comparison of Adolescents from Single Parent Families and Intact Families in terms of Life Satisfaction and Quality of Life


  • Ayse Rezan CECEN-EROGUL


Single Parents, Life Satisfaction, Quality of Life, Adolescents.


In this study, adolescents from single parent families and intact families were compared in terms of their life satisfaction and quality of
life and, gender * family status interaction effect. Sample for the study consisted of 232 female and 147 male adolescents attending 9
, 10th
-, and 11th
-grade and, 186 adolescents from single parents family and 193 adolescents from intact family. The adolescents’ age
mean was 16.19 (SD=1.18). To collect data Personal Demographic Questionnaire, Satisfaction With Life Satisfaction Scale (Diener et.
al) and WHOQOL-Brief Quality of Life Scale (WHOQOL Group,1996) were used. Levene homogenity test for test of variance
equality was investigated and to analysis data two way ANOVA technique was used. The significance level was accepted as .05 in
this study. The results of the study have shown that adolescents’ who from single parents family life satisfaction and psychological,
environment domains, except physical and social relation domain quality of life were significantly different from adolescents’ who
from intact family. The adolescents who from single parent family have lower life satisfaction and psychological health. Analysis of
gender*family status interaction effects have shown significantly differences both on life satisfaction and psychological health domain
of quality of life. The results were discussed in the light of related literature




How to Cite

Ayse Rezan CECEN-EROGUL, & Timur DINGILTEPE. (2023). The Comparison of Adolescents from Single Parent Families and Intact Families in terms of Life Satisfaction and Quality of Life. Elementary Education Online, 11(4), 1077–1086. Retrieved from


