Establishment Of Planning Parameters In Advertising Companies In The Villavicencio City


  • Castro-Garzón
  • Rodríguez Miranda
  • Sánchez Céspedes
  • Hernando
  • Juan Pablo
  • Sánchez Céspedes
  • Juan Manuel


planning, company, process, strategies, administration


An intervention was carried out in the city of Villavicencio - Meta in the Lower Barzal neighborhood, it was sought to expose the real behavior of the companies dedicated to advertising located there, since no precedents were found for studies carried out with the topic raised. In addition, an attempt was made to describe how they carry out the planning processes, identify the strengths and weaknesses of the union, to finally recognize the importance of strategic administrative processes in companies. To collect the information, the team prepared a questionnaire with a Likert scale interpretation and only answer questions. Because the population was finite, it was analyzed in total 75 companies. This information was examined using Excel tables and graphs, processing the information in the SPSS statistical analysis program. According to the results obtained, it was determined that most of the companies dedicated to advertising do not apply the principles of planning and that they do not use tools that allow the development of this; It was recommended that entrepreneurs in the study area be trained or informed about this administrative process, which is key to the proper development of organizations




How to Cite

Castro-Garzón, Rodríguez Miranda, Sánchez Céspedes, Hernando, Juan Pablo, Sánchez Céspedes, & Juan Manuel. (2023). Establishment Of Planning Parameters In Advertising Companies In The Villavicencio City. Elementary Education Online, 20(6), 1639–1655. Retrieved from




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