Proper management, Stressful life, Pandemic situation.Abstract
Now a day, stress is a part of the work life in every organization whether it is a service or any other type of Private companies. Stress is more likely in some situations than others and in some individuals than others. Stress can subvert the achievement of organizational goals, both for individuals and for organizations. Due to this competitive environment in every field of life and this competition generates stress among the human being it is clearly state that the healthy competition is must in this current scenario .Self financingcollege teachers are very much stress in their daily routine. The stress level can be reduced to a certain limit by providing the better working condition for the college teachers by the management .The college teachers cannot avoid stress they have to learn
how to manage the stress life in their work life. The environment requires changes in the world like that the change is very essential for the life of human beings. The human beings have to control the stress level in the work life.Proper management and providing better working condition in the organization are the best forms of stress prevention. In the working environment the stress level can be occur in a wide range of the working conditions basically there should be cordially relationship between the college teachers with peers and superior authority. Most the self financingcollege teachers faced stress full life because of the mismanagement from a part of ultimate authority. It is very difficult to manage the stress at home and the workplace. The main problems faced by the college teachers is usage of the modern technology and been a technocrat. This research study helps to analysis the various level of stress among the self financing college teaches in Kerala during this pandemic situation. The study also aims to know the various factors to reduce the stress level among the college teachers. Self financingcollege teacher’s experience of stressful life at workplace is to a large extent affected by the working condition, the college teacher has to get the support from the co peers and also they receive from the Supreme authority in the workplace. From this study self financingcollege teachers have to adopt the strategies for overcoming the stressful life in the work life. To find out the opinion about teaching and handling students in this pandemic situation, to find out techniques applied by the College teachers for managing stress.