The Effective Individual Musical Instrument Teacher Scale: Analysis of Validity and Reliability
Musical instrument education, effective teacher, scale development, validity-reliabilityAbstract
In this research, it was aimed to develop a valid and reliable scale which can be used to determine the profile of individual musical instrument teachers in music education departments and high school of fine arts.The exploratory factor analysis revealed that the scale contained 47 items loaded under two sub-scales. Cronbach’s Alpha coefficients for the sub-scales were as follows: for “Personal
characteristics” . 97, . 96 for “Professional characteristics”. Cronbach’s Alpha coefficients for the whole scale was found .96. The confirmatory factor analysis, which followed the exploratory factor analysis, tested the two-factor structure and confirmed that the model had considerably decent goodness-of-fit indices. The findings suggest that The Effective Individual Musical Instrument Teacher Scale is a valid and reliable instrument for measuring individua linstrument teachers' profiles in music education departments and fine arts high schools