Post merger financial analysis on bank mega merger: An empirical study 2019-20
Non Performing Assets (NPA), CASA (Current Account Saving Account) Ratio, PCR (Provision Coverage Ratio), NPL (Non Performing Loan)Abstract
Recently Indian banking industry has witnessed bank mergers under the guidelines of RBI and Central Government Interventions. Many Banks (PSB) facing problems like Basel-III norms, CAR, NPA performance and assets valuations issues which may be improved from these recent mergers during 2019-20.Initially banks were merged to save non-performing banks or non efficient banks but as time evolved the system too evolved. In the recent times mergers and acquisitions have also been made on grounds of business growth, profitability and organizational restructure. Every merger creates its own noise but it is the substance that counts in the long run. The researchers want to reveal the post merger analysis of Indian Banks on the basis of financial performance and efficiency. They also want to highlight the issues and motives with Indian bank mergers during 2019-20