Some Fundamentals And Concepts For The Design, Evaluation And Comparison Of Algorithms In Biosignal Processing


  • Jaime A. Benítez F
  • Miguel A. Ávila A
  • German Torrijos C.


Algorithms, Biosignals, Diseño


This article is aimed at students to acquire skills in the analysis of biological systems which are complicated systems to treat. Analyzing these systems is usually a difficult task because of the complexity and the electronic engineering student must have a real ability to understand them based on the knowledge previously acquired in the different courses previously advanced. Often the analysis is carried out live, which means that the specific system under test cannot be isolated from another system that interferes with it. Very often the inputs and /or outputs of the system are difficult to access. These fundamentals and concepts well understood by students should serve as a tool for their development as engineers in the field of biomedical instrumentation. The student will venture into the management of this tool to elaborate the analysis of these systems such as the processing of biosignals. Sophisticated signal processing algorithms are used for the direct and indirect study of the performance of biological systems under many necessary measurements. Such algorithms are required to incorporate into monitoring, protection and diagnostic instruments, among others.




How to Cite

Jaime A. Benítez F, Miguel A. Ávila A, & German Torrijos C. (2023). Some Fundamentals And Concepts For The Design, Evaluation And Comparison Of Algorithms In Biosignal Processing. Elementary Education Online, 20(6), 1249–1257. Retrieved from




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