Leaving No One Behind: Personal, Structural and Cultural Hindrances affecting Women Participation in Scientific Research in Academic Context
Woman participation, research hindrances, university, Leaving No One Behind.Abstract
The main idea of this descriptive study focused on identifying the hindrances of participation in scientific research that stand in the way of female faculty members from their point of view. This approach corresponds and coincides with the growing trends, nationally and globally, that aimed at women empowerment and enhancing their role in all sectors and at different levels to promote their participation in national development. The key question of the research was: "What are the major hindrances towards scientific research activities as perceived by female faculty members at Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University (PSAU) in Saudi". The study was based on a survey of 270 female teaching staff of all the PSAU colleges (11 in five regions located in the south of Riyadh (the capital city of Saudi Arabia). Study findings uncovered the personal, structural and culture hindrances that experienced by female faculty members and influenced their level of participation in scientific research activities, and revealed a crucial need for providing all possible efforts that empower women to perform vital roles in scientific research activities by enacting laws and regulations that support women and suit their nature, requalifying them according to the requirements and nature of the work, and create the right environment that help them perform their multiple roles. Commitment to women empowerment in participating in scientific research highly recommended to be adopted at the topmost political and institutional level. Scientific research in universities requires finding a
suitable working environment within the institutions of higher education itself. They should be governed by research culture and values based on flexibility, fairness and objectivity on the one hand and the need for infrastructure,capabilities, necessary material and manpower qualified on the other hand to enable female researchers for carrying out their duties fully towards their nation development.