Pre-Service Teachers’ Restructurinğ of Mathematical Content Knowledge in a Learning Trajectories based Instruction
Learning trajectories, pre-service teacher, mathematical content knowledge, restructuringAbstract
The purpose of this study was to explore how elementary pre-service teachers (PTs) restructure their existing mathematical content knowledge (MCK) for equipartitioning related mathematical ideas in a Learning Trajectories Based Instruction (LTBI). A teaching experiment was conducted with nine elementary education PTs with the use of equiparitioning learning trajectory. The findings of this study briefly indicated that PTs’ existinğ misconceptions and mathematical errors were remediated and underlying reasons behind
these misconceptions and errors were revealed in LTBI. PTs also examined mathematically correct responses. In addition, a variety of mathematical strategies and representations was utilized, and then explained by PTs to the peers in mathematically correct ways as they worked on the activities. These findings suggested that PTs had improved their existing MCK. The process of these improvements in PTs’ MCK and the observed pattern in the improvements was categorized under seven restructuring practices. These practices
suggested an emergent framework for MCK restructuring practices. These seven practices were observed in relation to PTs’ restructuring practices of Common Content Knowledge, Specialized Content Knowledge, and Horizon Content Knowledge.