Influence of Emotional Intelligence and Lateral thinking on Achievement in Biology of XI Standard Students


  • M. Jesu Prakash
  • Dr. M. Vasimalairaja,


Emotional Intelligence, Lateral Thinking, Achievement, Biology, Emotive thinking Attainmen


The present study aimed at finding out the influence of emotional intelligence and lateral thinking on achievement in Biology of XI standard students. The present study is limited with the XI standard students of higher secondary school in emotion intelligence and lateral thinking on achievement in biology. The samples of 265 students of class XI were selected for this research randomly from 54 schools. The study concluded that the high percentage level of emotional intelligence and lateral thinking on achievement in biology of XI standard students it possessed by only 23.8 %, 21.7% and 11.9% of students respectively. The governments have to organize yoga and emotional intelligence management training programme to the XI standard students every year. There is significant factor with
positive loading of the self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship management and emotional intelligence, analogies, fractionation, generation of alternatives, brain storming, dominant ideas and lateral thinking and knowledge, understanding, application, skills on their achievement in Biology of XI standard students. The factor for the study has been identified as ‘Emotive Thinking Attainment’. The table (4) explains the graphical representation of factor loading of the Emotional intelligence and Lateral thinking on Achievement in Biology of XI standard Students.




How to Cite

M. Jesu Prakash, & Dr. M. Vasimalairaja,. (2023). Influence of Emotional Intelligence and Lateral thinking on Achievement in Biology of XI Standard Students. Elementary Education Online, 20(5), 2426–2432. Retrieved from


