Exploring the Meda Dhatu(Adipose Tissue)Sankalpana(Concept)in Ayurved
MedaDhatu, Medodhara Kala, MedovahaSrotas, MedaDhatuSarata, MedaPradoshajVikaras, MedoDhatvagni, Adipose TissueAbstract
Ayurved is the traditional system of medicine; Tri Dosha (Three bodily humors), SaptaDhatu (Seven tissue elements) and Tri Mala (Three bodily waste products) are mentioned as the main factors for the foundation and maintenance of the body. The Sarira (Body), Manas (Mind) and Prana (Life force) are all supported by Dhatus.All seven Dhatussupports and nourishes the body throughout the life. MedaDhatu(Adipose Tissue) is the 4th Dhatu out of seven Dhatus, which provide the necessary Snehana(lubrication and unctuousness) to the body. In the formation of Dhatu, Upadhatu and Mala; respective Dhatvagni plays a major role in this process. The MedaDhatu thus formed by the action of MedoDhatvagni. During this process ofMedaDhatugenesisPoshyaand Poshakatwo types ofMedaDhatuare formed. PoshyaMedaDhatunourishes theMedaDhatu&PoshakaMedaDhatuinvolves in the formation ofsubsequent AsthiDhatu(Bone tissue). If theMedovahaSrotas (Channels responsible for carrying MedoDhatu) get vitiated there will be defective
formation of MedaDhatu and this will eventually lead to the MedaPradoshajVikaras (Diseases related to fat). The present review critically examines the available literatures to evaluate the MedaDhatuSankalpanain Ayurved