Vocabulary Learning Motivation Scale (VLMS): A Validity and Reliability Study


  • Berrin Genç Ersoy
  • Ş. Dilek Belet Boyacı


Vocabulary learning, motivation, vocabulary learning motivation.


The purpose of this study is to develop scale to determine primary school students’ vocabulary  learning motivations. Both theoretical and experimental methodology was implemented for the development process of Vocabulary Learning Motivation Scale (VLMS). A literature analysis was conducted and written expressions of primary school students were used in the 40-item draft scale. Four
items were excluded by the end of the content validity study, and 182 fourth grade primary school students were presented a 36-item second form for the structural validity study. An exploratory factor analysis within the context of Principal Component Analysis was conducted, and was accompanied by Varimax method. The results of the factor analysis show that 24-item form of the scale explained a 44,73 per cent of the total variance, and three components (intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, instrumental-purposive motivation) stood out in the structure. Cronbach Alpha coefficient was found α=.855, The results show that VLMS is a valid and reliable instrument 




How to Cite

Berrin Genç Ersoy, & Ş. Dilek Belet Boyacı. (2023). Vocabulary Learning Motivation Scale (VLMS): A Validity and Reliability Study. Elementary Education Online, 17(1), 255–267. Retrieved from https://ilkogretim-online.org/index.php/pub/article/view/557


