Implementation of Constructivist Approach in Teaching English Grammar in Primary Schools
Constructivism, Primary Schools, English Grammar, IssuesAbstract
The present qualitative research study was aimed to identify the reasons that why teachers in primary schools do not use constructivist approach in teaching of English grammar and what are the hurdles and problems to teach English grammar through constructivist approach. Qualitative research design was used for the study. The researchers purposefully selected 15 teachers from 08 schools. The researchers developed interview which was based on o6 questions. The researchers did thematic analysis given by Strauss and Corbin (1990). It includes open codes, axial, category and themes. When the data were analyzed the main theme were: overcrowded classrooms, limited time, untrained teachers, teachers were not independent, workload, deficiency of teachers, lack of facilities, lack of preparation of teachers, lack of attention (teachers, parents attention and student attention), non-conducive environment and lack of
assessment. It was recommended that proper training might be provided to teachers so that they might be able to teach grammar effectively through constructivist approach. Government should provide adequate facilities and sufficient number of trained teachers to primary schools. Facilities should be provided to schools for making the environment conducive. Assessment system should be based on conceptual understanding rather than memorization.