Smart Id Card And Library System Using Rfid (Or) “Sicals” Using RFID
Smart Library system is an information system that keeps records of both the library users, books in the library. The Smart Library System is designed to provide systematic approach for user to search the available booklist in library. A properly computerized Smart library will help users with quick and prompt services. In current scenario the user has to search for book from the rack in library and the user doesn’t get a clear idea about the availability of the book which is a major limitation. Objective of this project is to automate the library using Arduino and RFID. This system includes a modified circular rack which works in an efficient way. It allows more than one user to access the system at the same time instantaneously. Thus proposed paper reduces the time for the client of manually searching for books and reducing the manpower in the library. This system in incorporates the feature of anti-theft detection.