Uses Of Social Media And Needs Gratification Of University Students In Pakistan


  • Dr. Bin Yamin Khan
  • Khan Faqir
  • Muhammad Atif Shahzad
  • Abobakar Khan
  • Dr. Roohul Amin Khan


Social media, Uses and Gratification, General/Basic Needs, Academic Needs.


The significant rise in technology and the application of social media during the last one and half decade has changed the concept of communication and relationship among masses. Both social media & contemporary technology is increasingly becoming part of
individual’s lives in modern society; nevertheless, It has considerably persuaded student community (Raghavendra, P et al. 2018). They use social media for seeking online help via communication, preparing assignments and many other projects. Using the Uses and Gratification Model the current project tends to probe, the frequency of social media uses among the University students in Pakistan along with the level of needs gratification(general/basic & academic) of these students through their favorite social media site. It also aims to discover the correlation between different variables like age with social media use and level of needs satisfaction.
The data concludes that 50.8% of the total respondents frequently use social media sites and were found constantly log on to their favourite social site. 36.1% being majority, visit their favourite social site more than 2 times a day & 13.1% visited 1-2
times a day. The study also concludes that 48.9%respondentsuse 2-4 hrs daily. The researchers also found that respondents were highly satisfied as their favourite social media site gratified their General/Basic and Academic needs to a high extent. For the
general needs, 38.6% of the total respondents agreed to a “High Extent” satisfaction through their favourite social sites for information need, 32% for Entertainment, 32% for Surveillance, 36.4% for companionship, 31.3% for Relaxation, 40.2% for Excitement
and Enjoyment need. On the other hand, only two out of the six academic needs i.e Pursuing course relating quizzes, exams & tests need and Communication with course teachers need were found gratified to a “High Extent”, 36% and 33.4% respectively,
 while the rest viewing course schedule, accessing course notes, searching subject topics,& Preparing assignments were found fulfilled to a “Normal Extent”.




How to Cite

Dr. Bin Yamin Khan, Khan Faqir, Muhammad Atif Shahzad, Abobakar Khan, & Dr. Roohul Amin Khan. (2023). Uses Of Social Media And Needs Gratification Of University Students In Pakistan. Elementary Education Online, 19(4), 7047–7063. Retrieved from


