The Investigation of the Pre-service Mathematics Teachers' Gestures of Some Geometric Concepts


  • Mustafa AKINCI
  • Ahmet ARIKAN


Basic Concepts in Geometry, Gesture, Categorization of Gestures, Semiotics, Semiotic Bundle


The purpose of this study was to investigate the pre-service mathematics teachers’ gestures towards some mathematical concepts. Data were collected from 11 senior pre-service mathematics teachers. Qualitative methodology was used as research design. Since the gestures and mimics require a very well conducted analysis, each phase of the study was videotaped. Furthermore, pre-service mathematics teachers were observed in their class environment and each participant was interviewed. Two data analysis methods were used: First, descriptive analysis was used in order to determine the type of gestures which had been made by the participants. Second, synchronic analysis method based upon semiotic bundle model, which was developed by Arzarello, was used in order to determine how the gestures uniformed with other semiotics and colloquial language in conveying the intended message. In this study; uniformity of gestures and speech, the meaning added to the speech by the gestures, directing effect of gestures on speech were the significant categories explaining the gestures of participants about basic mathematics concepts. The gestures made by the pre-service teachers during mathematic lessons were categorized as; iconic, kinetographic, adaptor, interacting, deictic, beat, metaphoric, and ideographic gestures 




How to Cite

Mustafa AKINCI, & Ahmet ARIKAN. (2017). The Investigation of the Pre-service Mathematics Teachers’ Gestures of Some Geometric Concepts. Elementary Education Online, 16(4), 1357–1383. Retrieved from


