An Empirical Study Of Sustainable Or Community-Based Tourism In Jammu And Kashmir W.R.T. Potential Tourist Attractions


  • Sourav Mangoch
  • D. Jain


Jammu and Kashmir (J&K), Tourism, Hotspots, Community, Sustainable Development.


In the current study, researchers highlighted the obstacles that prevent locals from being involved in the improvement of tourist attractions. By conducting an in-depth analysis of many pre-selected tourist hotspots in J&K, this study seeks to establish the truth and
provide supporting evidence. This research aimed to measure the level of participation of locals in shaping their communities into tourist hotspots. Additionally, this research aims to empirically test the M-O-A (Motivation, Opportunity, and Ability) model for
community participation at the chosen sites, as well as investigate the perspectives of the key stakeholders (government, local political bodies, business operator group, and the community group) on community-based tourism progress. The outcomes of this study
will allow policymakers to better understand the obstacles that locals see when trying to take part in community-based vacations, and they may use those insights to better facilitate these kinds of trips. Jammu, a city in J&K, was chosen for this research. Smallscale research and interviews with focus groups served as the pilot survey's data collection methods at the destination of choice. Experts were consulted once the pilot research was completed to refine the questionnaire for the full study. Using a questionnaire, we gathered information from the J&K tourist hotspots, which we then analysed statistically in several ways. 




How to Cite

Sourav Mangoch, & D. Jain. (2023). An Empirical Study Of Sustainable Or Community-Based Tourism In Jammu And Kashmir W.R.T. Potential Tourist Attractions. Elementary Education Online, 17(1), 1425–1436. Retrieved from


