Usage Of Information Communication Technologies (Ict’s) Among University Students And Their Social Needs


  • Yamna Sabir
  • Dr. Ashraf Iqbal
  • Dr. Badshah Rehman


Technology, Communication, Gadgets, Social Needs, Information, Gratification.


The study was conducted to know about the Information Communication Technology (ICT) usage among the university students of Faisalabad. As ICT plays a vital role in the lives of the students. Therefore, the study aimed at the extent to which university students were gratifying their social needs by using ICT gadgets, to know the usage pattern of ICT devices and also to know the enhancement of motivation in the students. In this study survey method was used and data was collected from the students who were enrolled in regular institutions. The study was based on the “Uses and Gratification Theory” and “Diffusion of Innovation Theory”. The tool for data collection was questionnaire that consisted of closeended questions. Likert scale was used in the questionnaire. Probability random sampling was used in for the selection of the correspondents. Sample size of 300 students was taken from different public and private sector universities of Faisalabad. Data was analyzed by using SPSS. By applying chi-square on the data collected from the respondents, the general findings came out were that students were motivated and satisfied by fulfilling their social needs. Over all, the research hypotheses were supported by the results.




How to Cite

Yamna Sabir, Dr. Ashraf Iqbal, & Dr. Badshah Rehman. (2023). Usage Of Information Communication Technologies (Ict’s) Among University Students And Their Social Needs. Elementary Education Online, 19(4), 5940–5960. Retrieved from


