Teachers’ perceptions on the effectiveness of professional development programs in improving the curriculum implementation at Jordanian schools


  • Rami Abdullah
  • Yousef Wardat


professional development program, curriculum implementation, Jordanian school.


This study aimed to explore Teachers’ perceptions of the effectiveness of professional development programs in improving the curriculum implementation at Jordanian schools.Therefore, this study guided by two research questions as follows: What are teachers’ perceptions of the effectiveness of professional development programs in improving the curriculum implementation at the Jordanian Schools?What are the current problems and obstacles that hinder the effectiveness of the MOE professional development programsin improving the curriculum implementation? The current study utilized the qualitative and interpretative approach. Regarding the instrument of data collection, the researchers of the current study used the semi-structured interview.The sample size of the current study was 12 participants which included six female teachers and six male teachers.In light of the collected qualitative data, the researcher explored that all participants have negative perceptions of the effectiveness of professional development programs in improving the curriculum implementation. The qualitative data of this study indicated two types of obstacles that hinder the effectiveness of professional development programs in improving the curriculum implementation; these types include obstacles during the training and obstacles during the implementation. The findings of the current study may contribute to improve the quality of the professional development programs of The Jordanian MOE. Furthermore, the decision makers can benefit from these findings in understanding and solving the current difficulties and problems related to professional development programs. This study also adds new literature about the effectiveness of professional development programs in improving the curriculum implementation at Jordanian schools.




How to Cite

Rami Abdullah, & Yousef Wardat. (2023). Teachers’ perceptions on the effectiveness of professional development programs in improving the curriculum implementation at Jordanian schools. Elementary Education Online, 20(5), 4438–4449. Retrieved from https://ilkogretim-online.org/index.php/pub/article/view/6108


