Evolution Of Multi-Stream Data In A Smart City’s Vanet
: smart cities, VANET, quality of experience (QoE), Internet of Things (IoT), Distributed Stream Processing Framework (DSPF)Abstract
In smart cities, vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs) will play an important role with thedevelopment of security and smart vehicle video surveillance services. With the smartcomponents, multimedia communication drivers over VANETs allow passengers tocapture live scenes, share and access on-wheel multimedia services. In this study, Ipresent an application that provides multiple services in a smart city VANET. I suggestSince, the main concern of video streaming transmission in such a highly dynamicenvironment is to increase the quality of experience (QoE). The massive growth of BigData and the evolution of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies enable cities to gainvaluable intelligence from large amounts of real-time generated data. In a smart city,various IoT devices sequentially generate streams of data that need to be analyzed in ashort period of time; Some use big data techniques. Distributed Stream ProcessingFramework (DSPF) has the ability to handle real-time data processing for smart cities.According to our results, selecting a proper structure in the data analytics layer of a smartcity requires sufficient knowledge about the characteristics of the target applications. TheInternet of Vehicles( IoV) enabled vehicles to exchange information with roadside units(RSU) with minimum or zero human intervention. This autonomous nature of IoVrequires strong authentication for each entity to recognize each other, as well as theseentities, should ensure the integrity of the exchanged information. Otherwise, thisautonomy will attract malicious users and malicious activity. Due to the dynamic natureof the IoV network, it is almost impossible to solve the Cyber Security issue with the
centralized authentication system throughput.