Psychometric Properties of the Academic Locus of Control ScaleAdolescent Form


  • Hakan SARIÇAM


Academic locus of control, adolescence, validity, reliability, confirmatory factor analysis


The aim of this research is to examine the psychometric properties of the Academic Locus of Control Scale (Akın, 2007) in adolescence. The research was conducted with 587 (301 + 286) adolescents in total. Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) of sampling adequacy was calculated as .72 and a significant result was found on Bartlett’s test of Sphericity χ2 = 561.619 (p< .001, df = 136). Results confirmatory factor analyses demonstrated that 17 items yielded two factors as original form and that the two-dimensional model was appropriate (χ² = 697.06, df =392, RMSEA= .059, GFI = .94, CFI = .93, AGFI = .92 and SRMR = .047). Factor loadings ranged from .32 to .88. Cronbach alpha internal consistency coefficient was found as .71,5 for internal academic locus of control sub-scale, .81 for external academic locus of control sub-scale. In the concurrent validity significant relationships were found between academic locus of control, locus of control, student responsibility, and student responsibility. Test-retest reliability coefficient was as .81 for internal academic locus of control and .79 for external academic locus of control. Corrected item-total correlations ranged from .41 to .81. Overall results demonstrated that the Academic Locus of Control Scale can be named as a valid and reliable instrument that could be used in the field of education with adolescents.




How to Cite

Hakan SARIÇAM. (2023). Psychometric Properties of the Academic Locus of Control ScaleAdolescent Form . Elementary Education Online, 13(4), 1135–1144. Retrieved from


