The Effectiveness Of The Four- Factor Model Training Of Mindfulness On Life Satisfaction And Resilience Of Elderly Women


  • Jahan Sadat Asadi Bijaeyeh
  • Mojtaba Amiri Majd
  • Mohammad Ghamari
  • Ghorban Fathi Aghdam


Mindfulness, Life Satisfaction, Resilience, Elderly, Women


Introduction: Due to the increase the elderly population, issues related to the health and quality of life of this age group are worse than any other age group. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of training 4 -factor model of mindfulness on life
satisfaction and resilience of older women.
Methods: The research method was quasi-experimental with a pretest, post-test design with a control group and follow-up. The statistical population included 473 elderly women who were under rehabilitation and care in Guilan welfare organization nursing homes in 2020. A sample of 30 was selected from them in a purposeful manner according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria and was randomly divided into two groups of experimental group (15 participants) and control group (15 participants). For the experimental group, 8 sessions of mindfulness training (2 hours each session) were performed according to the Kabat-Zinn
method and no intervention was performed for the control group. Participants in both groups in the pretest, post-test and follow-up stages were assessed by using Diner et al., life satisfaction and Connor & Davidson resilience, questionnaires. To analyze the results,
univariate analysis of variance by statistical analysis software version 20, (SPSS), was used.

Results: The results of univariate analysis of variance showed that the 4-factor model of mindfulness increased life satisfaction and resilience of older women and this increase was permanent in the follow-up period.
Conclusion: Therefore, the training of 4-factor model of mindfulness can be used as an effective model in nursing homes to promote resilience and life satisfaction and positive psychological characteristics of older women.




How to Cite

Jahan Sadat Asadi Bijaeyeh, Mojtaba Amiri Majd, Mohammad Ghamari, & Ghorban Fathi Aghdam. (2023). The Effectiveness Of The Four- Factor Model Training Of Mindfulness On Life Satisfaction And Resilience Of Elderly Women. Elementary Education Online, 21(1), 407–422. Retrieved from


