A Brief Study On Assamese Oral Lyrical Poetry
Oral lyrics, folk song, Nicukani gῑt, Biyā-nām, Āinām, Bihugῑt, Badan Barphukanar gῑt, PiayaliPhukanargῑt,ManirāmDewānargῑt,Patharughātarraṇargῑt.Abstract
Assamese oral lyrical poetry derived from past which are now available in their written form, reflects various aspects ofAssamese society. Its huge bulk is a proud asset toAssameseliteratureandculture.Totraceouttheearlieststageofit,one willhaveto resort to oral-lyrics which were originated in the hoary past. The great variety of the oral-lyrics like Nicukani gῑt, Biyā-nām, Āinām, Bihugῑt etc. and many other ballads like Badan Barphukanar gῑt, Piayali Phukanar gῑt, Manirām Dewānar gῑt, Patharughātar raṇar gῑt etc. which were transmitted from generation to generation, despite undergoing a natural process of distortion and interpolation, are valuable assets for researchers. This paper aims at giving an account of the old literary intellectual traditionandheritageandhistoryoftheAssamese