Effective Crack Detection In Railways At Diesel Loco Shed Using IR Sensor And ZIGBEE
Zigbee, LCD, Relay, Buzzer, DC motor,PIC 16F877A, IR sensor.Abstract
The project involves developing a railway crack detection scheme (RRCDS) that uses an IR receiver sensor assembly system to identify rail track cracks and alert authorities via a buzzer and LCD display, preventing a train accident. The device also has a distance measuring sensor, which shows how far apart the railroad lines are from one another. This project uses an IR sensor, a zigbee transmitter, and a zigbee receiver and is implemented with a PIC 16F877A microcontroller. Here, IR sensors are utiliZed to locate
the cracks, and anytime a crack is found, a zigbee receiver is informed of its location. The problem of railroad track crack detection is effectively solved by IR assembly, which records the precise location of broken track and then fixes it right away to save many