Promoting Conceptual Change Through Constructivist Approach – (Special reference of Flipped classroom)


  • Dr. Manisha Bajpai


conceptual change, constructivism, flipped classroom, active learning


This research article explores the effectiveness of promoting conceptual change using constructivist approaches in context of a new approach of constructivist through flipped classroom. The study examines the role of a flipped classroom in helping students develop
a deep understanding of concepts by engaging in active learning and collaborative problemsolving activities. It also highlights various instructional strategies and technologies that support the constructivist approach in a flipped classroom. The paper aims to provide educators with evidence-based insights into the potential benefits and challenges associated  implementing constructivist approaches in a flipped classroom setting. Although that approach is a quite new approach in present education system, it plays a vital role in the field of paradigm shift in higher education. That is why very little empirical research has been conductedspecialy in the Indian context. Go to hell active learner all learners not able to key to keep conceptual understanding YouTube time constraints and distance constraints a new teaching I learning approach known as the flipped classroom. The main motive of this review article was to explore the effectiveness of flipped classroom in terms of an instructional tool.The present article reviewed results and analyzed
approaches to learning styles on the basis of different research findings. Major three aspects were considered in this article to analyze the learner’s experience and perceptionof flipped classroom, as an instructional tool and perception towards new constructive approaches in the frame of the flipped classroom.




How to Cite

Dr. Manisha Bajpai. (2023). Promoting Conceptual Change Through Constructivist Approach – (Special reference of Flipped classroom). Elementary Education Online, 19(3), 5213–5223. Retrieved from


