The Effectiveness of Cultural Context-Based Mathematics Student Worksheets (Lks) Toward Elementary School Students Learning Outcomes


  • Rosidah Aliim Hidayat
  • Zainnur Wijayanto


Culture; Efectiveness; Student Worksheets; Contextual; Mathematics.


This study is aimed at: (1) revealing the contribution of cultural context-based mathematics student worksheets (LKS) towards elementary school students’ learning outcomes, (2) uncovering the effectiveness of the worksheets towards the students’ learning outcomes. This study was a quantitative study with an experimental design. The population of this study was fourth-year students of elementary school students of SD Negeri 06 Salatiga academic year 2018/2019. The sampling technique applied in this study was saturation sampling, meaning that all populations were sampled. In terms of data collection techniques, this study employed learning outcomes tests and documentation. The findings of this study indicated that (1) cultural context-based mathematics student worksheets had a significant effect on elementary school students’ learning outcomes. 2) The worksheets were more effective than the
conventional ones in improving students’ learning outcomes. The findings were confirmed by the results of the t test= -8.165 with a significance value (p) of 0,000 and the average of learning outcomes after the determined student worksheets were utilized, it was higher than using the conventional one (83, 50> 64.25). In terms of learning mastery, a conclusion was drawn that the learning mastery by utilizing a cultural context-based mathematics student worksheets is better than using the conventional one which is 80%> 45%.




How to Cite

Rosidah Aliim Hidayat, & Zainnur Wijayanto. (2023). The Effectiveness of Cultural Context-Based Mathematics Student Worksheets (Lks) Toward Elementary School Students Learning Outcomes. Elementary Education Online, 19(2), 34–41. Retrieved from


