The Relationship among Intrinsic/Extrinsic Motivation and Interest Toward L2 Writing Performance at Higher Education


  • Sabarun
  • Laela Hikmah Nurbatra
  • Zaitun Qamariah
  • Hesty Widiastuty
  • Aisyah Hafshah Saffura el-Muslimah


Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, interest, l2 writing.


The study investigated the relationship among intrinsic (x1) and extrinsic motivation (x2) and interest (x3) toward learners’writing performance (y) at higher education.A self-developed likert scale questionnaire of 45 items was used for collecting data. The participantswere 55 learners majoring in English at IAIN Palangka Raya. A pilot study was given to 15 participants showing the Cronbach alpha value as 0.87 indicating that quetionnaire was in a good reliability. The data were analysed using multiple linier regression. The finding revealed that the r value was0.908 (very high correlation) and the F test was 80.073, p= 0.000< 0.05. This indicated a positive significant correlation of intrinsic/ extrinsic motivation and interest simultaneously to the learners’writing performance. It meant that learners who had high intrinsic/ extrinsic motivation and interest tent to achieve better on their writing performance. TheR Square was 0.825 or 82.5%. It indicated the contribution of all indipendent variables to the writing performance was 82.5%. The rest (17.5%) was influenced by other variables out of the investigation. In addition, the t value forextrinsic motivation was 5.384 p=0.000; extrinsic motivation was 2.067, p=0.044. ;and interest was 3.594, p=0.001 < 0.05. It meant that partially each variable gave a significant correlation to writing performance.Partially, the contribution of intrinsic motivation (47.60%), extrinsic motivation (11.63%), and interest (23.37%). It was recommended that during writing class, teachers gavemore stimulus to motivate the learners’ interest in writing.




How to Cite

Sabarun, Laela Hikmah Nurbatra, Zaitun Qamariah, Hesty Widiastuty, & Aisyah Hafshah Saffura el-Muslimah. (2023). The Relationship among Intrinsic/Extrinsic Motivation and Interest Toward L2 Writing Performance at Higher Education. Elementary Education Online, 19(2), 60–68. Retrieved from


