Profile of divergent thinking ability of elementary school student in thematic learning


  • Muna Fauziah
  • Sri Marmoah
  • Tri Murwaningsih
  • Kundharu Saddhono


Divergent thinking ability, elementary school, thematic learning


The purpose of this study was to analyze the profile of the divergent thinking ability of elementary school students in thematic learning. This research was descriptive quantitative research. The sample of this study was fifth grade students with 48 students in two public elementary schools in Laweyan, Surakarta. Data collection techniques used was test. The instrument used was divergent thinking ability tests. The data validity technique used was construct and content validity. The data analysis used was statistic descriptive. The results found that the fluency indicator reaches a maximum value (76%), flexibility (74%), originality (68%), and elaboration is the lowest indicator (65.80%). Thus, it can be concluded that the divergent thinking skills of fifth grade elementary school students have different indicators and are divided into three categories. The introduction of training programs with open problems is quite an informative and promising way to complement integrated thematic learning in primary school.




How to Cite

Muna Fauziah, Sri Marmoah, Tri Murwaningsih, & Kundharu Saddhono. (2023). Profile of divergent thinking ability of elementary school student in thematic learning . Elementary Education Online, 19(2), 624–640. Retrieved from


