Student’s disaster literation in ‘SETS’ (science environment technology and society) disaster learning


  • Ali Mustadi
  • Setyo Eko Atmojo,


Disaster Literacy, Disaster learning, SETS


The purpose of this study was to analyze student disaster literacy based on mitigation, adaptation and responsibility profiles in SETS-based disaster learning. The subjects of this study were students at Piyungan State Elementary School, Tulung Pundong State Elementary School and Karanggayam Pleret State Elementary School Bantul Yogyakarta Indonesia. Three schools were randomly selected from the entire school population in earthquake prone areas. In this study the subject was chosen because it is located in an
earthquake-prone area in Bantul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Data collection techniques using observations, instruments in the form of observation sheets mitigation, adaptation and responsibility of elementary school students. The data analysis technique used descriptive percentage technique. The results showed that after participating in the overall SETS-based disaster learning, student disaster literacy was based on an average mastery of 92.01 mitigation skills, which were included in the very high category, adaptation
skills 85.20 were in the high category, and responsibility 84 , 04 which is included in the high category.




How to Cite

Ali Mustadi, & Setyo Eko Atmojo,. (2023). Student’s disaster literation in ‘SETS’ (science environment technology and society) disaster learning. Elementary Education Online, 19(2), 667–678. Retrieved from


