Views Of Teachers Regarding The Management And Financial Power: Factors That Affect Quality Education In Public Sector At Secondary Schools


  • Muhammad Tayyab
  • Dr. Muhammad Amjid
  • Dr. Asaf Niwaz
  • Dr. Javed Iqbal


Manaement, Financial Power, Quality, Education, Factors, Secondary Schools


This study aimed to examine the Management and Financial Poweras factors affecting quality education in secondary schools. The objective of the study was to examine the factors that affect quality education in terms of management and financial power in
public sector secondary schools. The population of the study comprised of secondary schools and the teachers in the public sector in Mardan Division. There were nine hundred and sixty (960) teachers (480 teachers from District Mardan and 480 teachers from District Swabi) of urban and rural areas were randomly selected from 96 secondary schools and ten teachers from each selected school (10x96=960) constituted the sample of the study. The proportion of boys and girls schools from urban and rural areas was equal. The data was collected from the respondents through the questionnaires and was nalyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical techniques such as frequency, Percentage and ANOVA using SPSS. The findings of the study revealed facilities of scholarships and transportation did not affect quality education. There is an effective school management style that offers a conducive environment for
teaching and learning. Teachers have ease of access to the principal to discuss problems, teachers come to the class on time, and teachers leave the class on time are the significant factors of quality education. The quality of physical facilities (proper buildings, sufficient classrooms, labs) affects the quality of education in school.




How to Cite

Muhammad Tayyab, Dr. Muhammad Amjid, Dr. Asaf Niwaz, & Dr. Javed Iqbal. (2023). Views Of Teachers Regarding The Management And Financial Power: Factors That Affect Quality Education In Public Sector At Secondary Schools. Elementary Education Online, 19(3), 4181–4194. Retrieved from


