Sociological Problems Of The Senior Citizens In Urban Area
The last century has witnessed a rapid increase in the population of the elderly people in the developed and industrialized countries. This phenomenon is not restricted to the western world only, but many countries such as ours are now feeling the impact of this transaction. This situation could be attributed to a combination of factors such as increase in age, longevity and decreased death rates due to advancement in the field of medicine, improvement of life expectancy at birth, and enhancement in the average span of life. The health sector plays a vital role to increase the longevity on one side but create a situation for their standard of life decline to adjust with the processes like modernization and globalization on another side. Providing care to the elderly is a
challenging task to the younger generation in this modern word. With an increasingly aging population in all developed societies, the role of care givers have been increasingly recognized as an important one, both functionally and economically. In this context, the case studies bring out the living conditions of the Senior Citizens and problems faced by them.