A Study On Employee’s Job Satisfaction W. R. To Rane Trw Steerig Systems Pvt. Ltd
Job satisfaction is considered as an important issue where efforts are taken and programs are initiated to fulfil it. The factors which influence the satisfaction of the employee are level of pay, promotions, type of working conditions, work load and stress level, respect from co-workers, good relationship with supervisors, financial rewards. By safeguarding these factors the company can ensure the job satisfaction of the employee, thereby improve the productivity and grow into a successful organization. In case if employee is unsatisfied with the present job there are chances for more absents, low turnover, less productivity, deliberately doing mistakes, diverting interest for other conflicts. Any kind of dissatisfaction relating to organizational or personal life will influence on the job performance. Therefore, a study on employee job satisfaction helps the organization in knowing employee opinion about the company. The level of satisfaction changes from sector to sector depending on the work load and working conditions and job security. Hence, the study on employee job satisfaction belonging to different sectors helps to understand the overall job satisfaction of the employees. In this study only four sectors are considered they are Education Sector, Public Sector, Private Sector and IT Sector. Though job satisfaction in each sector individually is not considered, the study gives the overall rate of job satisfaction, the reasons for job
satisfaction and also the extent of satisfaction with various factors of employees belonging to different sectors