Developing the attitude scale for Arduino use in courses


  • Bahadir Yıldız


Arduino, attitude scale, STEAM education, interdisciplinary approach


The purpose of this study was to develop a Likert-type scale to determine the attitudes of teachers and preservice teachers towards using Arduino in their courses. Arduino is one of the leading robotic vehicles in education. There is much data about how attitudes shape behaviors. The positive attitude of the teachers about the usefulness of Arduino in the educational context is a facilitating
component for them to use it more effectively. In the process of developing the scale, the Likert scale development process consisting of 8 steps determined by Anderson was followed. The draft test was applied to a total 312 teachers who are working in 11 different disciplines and participated in Arduino courses. The data obtained as a result of the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) and Bartlett tests were
determined to be suitable for factor analysis. As a result of the factor analysis, a scale with a single factor, consisting of 21 items and with a value of .919 Cronbach's Alpha, was obtained.




How to Cite

Bahadir Yıldız. (2023). Developing the attitude scale for Arduino use in courses. Elementary Education Online, 19(2), 982–990. Retrieved from


