Monitoring And Controlling Of Solar Photovoltaic Panel By Using Machine Learning


  • Devesh Pratap Singh
  • Vrince Vimal


Solar panel, eco-friendly, machine learning, artificial intelligence.


The renewable energy source are the more reliable form of energy that can be used as an alternative to the energy consumption from the electric grid. These renewable energy are nonconventional form of energy that are eco-friendly and promote a greener environments. In certain rural areas, where the electric power is not available from electricity board, solar energy can be used
effectively for many purpose. To limit the usage of power from electricity board, the renewable energy source are introduced. These renewable energy are classified as solar, wind, tidal, hydroelectric and biomass. One among them is the solar energy source. It uses a photovoltaic panel (PV) panel to absorb the solar energy and converts it into electrical energy source. Thus the solar panels are controlled and monitored by using the machine learning, a kind of artificial intelligence to obtain higher efficiency with accurate output.




How to Cite

Devesh Pratap Singh, & Vrince Vimal. (2021). Monitoring And Controlling Of Solar Photovoltaic Panel By Using Machine Learning. Elementary Education Online, 20(1), 7798–7803. Retrieved from


