The Use of Ellipsis in Political Speech


  • Saddam Salim Hmood
  • Ban Hassan Jasim


Ellipsis , Political Speeches , Nominal Ellipsis , verbal Ellipsis


This research intends to investigate ellipsis that is used in some selected political speeches , identifying the types of ellipsis used in these political speeches , Pointing out the most frequent type of ellipsis used in the political speeches understudy. In addition to that, Finding out the reason behind politicians' tendency of use a specific type of ellipsis rather than others. To full fill the aims above, it is
hypothesized that not all types of ellipsis are used in political speeches. Additionally, a noun- phrase ellipsis is more frequent in use than others. However, ellipsis may occur in different texts or discourses and the political speeches is one of these. However, without investigation no one can determine which type of ellipsis is more common in such discourse than others and what are the reasons behind this prominence. This paper investigates all types of ellipsis used in some political speeches, to show why the politician
intends to choose a specific type of ellipsis more than others. The whole results reveal that ellipsis is present in the political speeches and it is used as a devise that helps in making the speech coherent. However, nominal ellipsis is more common . Finally, Ellipsis is also used in political speeches as a syntactic device that heads to achieve persuasion which is the main goal for any political speeches.




How to Cite

Saddam Salim Hmood, & Ban Hassan Jasim. (2023). The Use of Ellipsis in Political Speech . Elementary Education Online, 19(2), 1305–1309. Retrieved from


