Cultural Concept of Beauty and Effectiveness of Cupping Therapy: A Study of Female population of Cupping Centre in Chinese Hospital, Rawalpindi


  • Ayesha Ijaz
  • Neelum Farid
  • Noor Jehan


Cupping Therapy, Culture Concept of Beauty, Religious perspective; Socially and Economically acceptable way


The core uncover out about of my study is to look up the function of cupping therapy with culturally define concept of splendor. The available information indicates current structure of cupping therapy is very diverse and complex in Pakistan which indicates multiple indicators of preferences to cupping therapy that were extracted through research analysis. This research analyzes that focusing on economic, religious and cultural practices are enabling the increase of this apparoach of cupping therapy. Qualitative research methodology was used as the researcher by an exploratory research with a sample size of twenty womens under cupping treatment in Chinese Hospital, Rawalpindi. Data was collected through non-probablity convenience sampling technique through Interview guide. The results of the research revealed that women used cupping therapy (accupancture and dry cupping) in order to attain their culturally define physical beauty standards. Women are more concerned about their outer appearance and adopt cupping as a treatment of diseases like hormonal imbalance, acne and obesity which confines their desired body image as set by the society. Women strive to have a fair, thin, long hair, brighten eyes and slim body by using the therapy of cupping as it is an economically and socially acceptable way to appear more desirable.




How to Cite

Ayesha Ijaz, Neelum Farid, & Noor Jehan. (2023). Cultural Concept of Beauty and Effectiveness of Cupping Therapy: A Study of Female population of Cupping Centre in Chinese Hospital, Rawalpindi. Elementary Education Online, 19(2), 1321–1329. Retrieved from


