Waste Management Using Solar Powered Manet
solid, liquid, waste, ultrasonic sensors, GIS, MANET, solar power, GPSAbstract
As a developing nation and as the second most populous country in the world we in India are facing unique problem that requires solution in a unique way. One such problem among them is the solid and liquid waste management. In this project we propose a self-sustaining maintenance free system that uses a combination of recent developments in the field of communications like MANET and solar power. We are using ultrasonic sensors that are used to monitor the level of the wastes present in the garbage bins that are located on the lids of the same. When anything or object comes into the area of covered circuit then its frequency sound reflected to receiver and alarm is triggered. MANET is an infrastructure less IP based network of mobile and wireless machine nodes connected with radio. MANET nodes require ad-hoc type routing protocols to overcome the distance coverage limitation. To monitor this work we use GIS system based on mapping applications. The location if garbage cans is spotted with accuracy by using GIS and GPS.GIS can be a great planning and decision making tool for wireless telecommunication. GPS systems are extremely versatile and can be found in almost any industry sector. They can be used to map the drainage holes and garbage cans at each place.