Social Issues In The Novels Of Syed Abdul Malik
Social Novels, Abdul Malik, Social Aspects, Assamese Society etc.Abstract
The primary theme in Malik’s novels is love and the live represented in his novels is mostly romantic. It manifests itself in various colorful ways in his novels. Besides, social consciousness, the impact of the spirit of the age, variegated expressions of urban life and, in certain novels, the perfect picture of rural society are some of the major elements of his artistic composition. Other predominant features which reveal his intimacy with emotional and feelings of man and women of various social status, are humanity, natural sympathy for the neglected, intolerance of snobbishness, ironical references to social evils and easy acceptance of various modes of sexual expression. While describing rural life, he normally keeps himself confident to the familiar Muslim society, but in his depiction of the mixed urban society he has exceeded all communal limitations.